Delicious Candy Recipes


Candies are the best indulgence, and the one which can satisfy your craving to the fullest. This ebook has a collection of 334 mouth watering candy recipes, which includes recipes like  Almond Chocolate Coconut Cookies, Cashew Caramel Bars, Choco-coconut Bars, Kit Kat Bars, Planet Mars Almond Bars, Ga Ga Clusters, Honey Nutters, Skillet Cookies, Bon Bons, Buckeye Balls, Chocolate and Peanut Butter Dipped Apples, Chocolate Covered Cherries, Chocolate Peppermint Wafers, Fudge Bonbons, Martha Washington Candies, Peanut Clusters, Rum Truffles, White Chocolate Covered Pretzels and plenty more such delicious recipes.
